Small Groups

There are small groups called Christ Care groups. People gather together to share their life stories and faith journey. They pray for each other and celebrate joys and do ministries together.
If you want to socialize, learn more about the Bible, need to stretch-exercise more, learn health tips, want to meet new friends, and reach out in mission, then ChristCare Group welcomes you.
You don’t have to be a member of the church, just want to build new relationships.
We normally meet 10:15~12:00 on first and third Fridays each month in Sherrill Hall.
Everyone is welcome.
Try us, you’ll like it! Contact Jim McGuire, 935-2077, for further information.
Sisters in Christ
In case you are wondering what that title stands for I will take the time to explain. We are a ChristCare Group which meets the first and third Sundays of the month in Fireside Room., after church at 11:15 to pray to laugh, to lift up each other and support one another, to look at the Bible more closely and apply it to our everyday lives.
We started with ten in our group and over the past year we have lost half of our group, do to moving, death, etc. So we are open to having new people come into our group and enjoy the benefits of what walking with Christ offers. We haven’t met regularly through the summer because it is a busy time with vacations, etc.
This is a confidential group, so things are not for everyone to know. Please come join us and be energized through our Lord and Savior. God Bless, ChristCare Leader, Betsy McLeod
Moving Forward
“Moving Forward” is a ChristCare Group, who meets Tuesday’s from 1:30 – 3:00 pm.
For questions or information, please call Karen Morones @685-3917 or Linda Jinks @510-275-4002.

Earlier this year CUMC had a group that focused on navigating the challenges of grief. We will be starting up a new group with the same focus but using a program called GriefShare. It is a 13 week program that you can join anytime.
The program is designed to provide people who each grieve differently with helpful tools that will strengthen them for their own grief journeys, and to foster healthy relationships among those who are grieving together, in an effort to create a Christian support system built of individuals who understand the pain.
Fridays, from 2pm-4pm in the Chapel.
United methodist woman

United Methodist Women’s General Meeting
A UMW General Meeting is held, the 3rd Wednesday of each month, at 10 am in Sherrill Hall. It is attended by all UMW circle members and guests are always welcome. The meeting is followed by an “open to all” program and luncheon.
Come join us! We are always reaching out to new members!
What Is United Methodist Women?
United Methodist Women is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice.
United Methodist Women is the organized group of women in each congregation who study local and global mission issues. The women organized in congregations are referred to as units of United Methodist Women. A unit may have smaller groups referred to as “circles”. They respond to what they learn through prayer, service, advocacy and raising funds in response to the needs they encounter locally and abroad. Here at the Concord United Methodist Church we have two such circles:
Anna Circle: If you are interested, call Ann Kung (510)-693-1523 or Elaine deProsse (925) 827-0199.
Bible Study
Disciple Bible Study Group
Wednesday, 7 pm, Fireside Room, Contact Jim McGuire, 935-2077, for further information.
Bible Study
Friday, 6 pm, Sanctuary office, Contact our office for further information
Stephen Ministry Vision Statement To develop a team of compassionate, trained Christian caregivers to serve our congregation and community. Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep. John 21: 16b"
Contact our Stephen Minister Team Leaders:
Marj Kerr – 925-458-9051 or Karen Morones, 925-685-3917

What Does the Stephen Ministry Series Logo Mean?
The Stephen Series logo consists of a cross and circle together with a broken person and a whole person. The broken person behind the cross symbolizes the brokenness in our lives due to our sin and imperfections. The whole person stands in front of the cross because it is only through the cross of Jesus that we are made whole. The circle symbolizes both the wholeness we receive through Christ and God’s unending love for us.
Stephen Ministers Are Trained
Stephen Ministers go through a long period of training and preparations for this special ministry of care and concern. Our Stephen Ministers have trained extensively in such areas as dealing with feelings, crisis intervention, asserting oneself with gentleness and firmness, and numerous other topics dealing with specific aspects of helping people who are experiencing problems in their lives.
Our Stephen Ministers carry on a caring ministry here at CUMC and in the community. They work with people who are experiencing life crises such as hospitalization, retirement, financial setback, loss of a loved one, as well as many other problems people have in living their daily lives. If you believe you could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, discuss the matter with Karen Morones, 925-685-3917, who is the Stephen Leader in charge of referrals.
Commissioned Ministers are: Valerie Sergey, John Sergey, Una Hopkins, Jim Hopkins, Suzanne Hargis, Nancy Howser, Linda Billingsley, Linda Jinks, Sue McGuire, Diana Bauer, Diane Rogers, Kathy Evans, Karen Morones, Chuck Morones, Greg Brumley, Harry Burt, Tom Riley, Kimberly Rohrberg, and Cory Simmons.
It’s the cornerstone of Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministers don’t reveal anything their care receiver says – and don’t even tell anyone who their care receiver is. You can be assured that your Stephen Minister will keep quiet about what you share. If you are interested in having a Stephen Minister, please call Karen Morones, 925-685-3917, or contact Pastor Lee. You may reach him or any of the other Stephen Leaders through the church office.(925) 685-5260
Who is involved in the Stephen Ministry?
Stephen Leaders are the ones who oversee and direct our Stephen Ministry. They recruit select, train, organize, and supervise our Stephen Ministers. They identify people in need of care, and will match them with a Stephen Minister.
Stephen Ministers are the care givers. They have been through 50 hours of training in Christian care giving, including general topics such as listening, feelings, boundaries, assertiveness, and and using Christian resources in care giving. In addition, their training covers specialized topics such as ministering to the divorced, hospitalized, bereaved, and aging.
Care receivers are the recipients of Stephen Ministers care. They are people from our church or community who are experiencing divorce, grief, loss of a job, loneliness, hospitalization, terminal illness, or any of an endless number of other life difficulties. Stephen Ministers usually meet with their care receivers once a week for about an hour for as long as the care receiver will benefit by the relationship.