At the concord United Methodist Church, we believe children are central to our ministry to the world and to one another, and make sure that, from birth to adulthood, they are surrounded by a community of love and support.

Nursery Care
SUBSTITUTE ATTENDANT NEEDED!! We are in search of a Substitute Nursery Attendant for Sunday mornings. It is a paid position. If you are interested please contact Karen Morones 925-685-3917 or email: cmorones@pacbell.net

Sunday School
We are in need of more Children’s Sunday School teachers!! For FALL! If you are interested, or would like to find out more information, Please call Vince Gregory: 925-686-2330 or email: vince_gregory@ yahoo.com Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday morning. Preschool Sunday School meets in Room 8 for ages 3 to 5. Elementary Sunday School, for Kindergarteners through 5th grade, meets in Rooms 6 and 7.

Parental Support
If your family is in need or crisis, the Concord UMC staff is here to help. If we aren’t equipped to help you, we will point you to the people who can. We can recommend numerous reliable places for pastoral help, counseling, recovery centers and more. Never hesitate or feel ashamed about asking for help. A few helpful parenting websites about issues affecting teenagers are listed below. www.cpyu.org www.homeword.com www.parentingteens.com www.nmha.org http://family.samhsa.gov/